KEAM Hall Ticket 2023 Exam Date, Admit Card Download
There is good news for the students who applied for the KEAM Exam, your admit card for the exam will soon be released on the official website. An official notification about the admit card release is published on the site. In this article, learn about the KEAM Hall Ticket 2023 Exam Date, Admit Card Download link, Exam Pattern and Admit card details.
KEAM Hall Ticket 2023
KEAM is the common entrance test to get admitted to the different engineering and medical courses in Kerala State. It is the state-level exam, and thousands of students fill out the form for admission to Kerala Colleges. The application process for the exam is completed before and after submitting the application form applicants of the KEAM exam are waiting for the release of the Hall ticket. So they get the information regarding the exam and exam centre.
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The hall ticket for the KEAM exam is an important document; it contains the details of the applicants who are appearing for the exam. With the help of the Admit card, applicants are guided to the exam centre and roll number for the exam. Roll number is the unique numbers from which each student’s performance is recorded in the data. All other details of the KEAM Admit card are explained in the below article.
KEAM Exam Date 2023
The examination authority soon publishes the notice regarding the exam date and admit card release. There is no official date of the exam available on the website. After the examination date notice, the date for the admit card release will be confirmed. Because admit card for the KEAM exam will be released ten days before the exam.
- B.E./ B.Tech
- Pharmacy
- Integrated LLB
- Allied Courses
- Nursing
By the KEAM exam, students can get admitted to various courses. The list of the courses is given above. The marks of the exam are only applicable in Kerala state.
KEAM Admit Card Download Link 2023
The direct link to download the ad, it card of the KEAM, is given at the end. Here are some steps are explained that help you download the admit card from the website. Check the steps below:
Steps | Details |
1. | The first candidate has to open on their device. |
2. | Then on the homepage, search for the KEAM 2023 Admit Card link and open it. |
3. | After opening the link, it will be asked for the login details; fill in the required details and submit it. |
4. | Your KEAM Admit card will appear on your screen. |
5. | Save the admit card on your device and take a few printouts. |
There is no update came regarding the Admit card. Our team will cover all the details of the KEAM examination, so we will update the details soon on our page and keep the page bookmarked for your ease.
KEAM Exam Pattern 2023
The exam of the KEAM will be conducted in pen-paper mode(offline). The question in the exam will be asked in the multiple choice question type where there are 4 options for the question. Candidates have to mark the right answer in the OMR sheet. The complete pattern of the exam is given in the below table.
Particulars | Details |
Exam Mode | Offline |
Question Type | MCQ |
Number of Paper | 2 |
Total no of Question | 240 |
Total Marks per paper | 480 |
Marks are rewarded for the right Answer. | 4 |
Exam Duration | 150 Minutes for each paper |
Candidates must pick the answer patiently; for each wrong answer, one mark will be deducted from the total. There are a total of 240 questions in the paper; each question is of four marks.
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Details on KEAM Admit Card 2023
The admit card is an important document for the KEAM exam; without the admit card, students are prohibited from entering the examination hall. After the release of the admit card, no students were allowed to change their city choices for the examination. In the admit card, important details of the exam are presented that are given below:
- Name of the Applicant
- Applicant Father Name
- Applicant Mother Name
- Roll Number
- Course Name
- Gender
- Category
- Exam Centre Code and Address
- Exam Timing
- Applicant’s Photograph and signature
- Examination Controller Signature.
If there is any mistake in the personal details, then you inform the authority about it. Because of the error, you are allowed to give the exam. That can be the reason for your exam cancellation, so carefully check the details.
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